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Friday, January 29, 2010

Fabric obsession

I know that what I really have probably doesn't compare to many people's idea of lot's of fabric but for me, who doesn't sew very often it's enough. For someone who doesn't sew, I LOVE fabric. I love the colors, the styles, the feel. I have been slowly delving into being a domestic diva of sewing and have tried a few, small and simple projects. The problem is, I keep buying more fabric! This is just some of the fabric that I had tucked away. Some I have actually used and some I've just admired.

Aren't these fabrics cute? Mackenzie picked these ones out for a rag quilt. Um...I'm still working on that one! Grandma did make a cute pillowcase out of this same material for her though.

I just found these ones this past weekend. Aren't they super cute? I just loved the two prints together and the colors totally match. I loved it so much I bought two yards of each! Too bad I don't have any plans for it yet. I think it would make a cute apron.

This one is my absolute favorite of the bunch though. Isn't it just too freaking to die for? I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, this one! I bought two yards of this one too. I think I might just frame it.

I just remembered I had a whole other stack of material in the other room I didn't get a chance to grab a picture of and that's not counting the material my mil shared with me.
Well call my loony I guess. I just LOVE fabric.


Tina said...

I love your fabric. I have a room full of fabric and what won't fit in my sewing room is in out in my shed. You can never never never have to much fabric. If I spent as much time sewing as I do looking at fabric on the internet I would have a room full of quilts. You know she who dies with the most fabric wins and I am tryng hard to win.

Alycia said...

Yes I would say that you have a fabric obsession! I love all the fabric you have, I guess you better do something with it :)

valerie said...

Ok Tina I think you win with all your fabric! I like your idea about never having enough fabric too! I would love to learn how to quilt. Maybe I'll actually get around to making one or I'll come visit you and you can teach me. :)

Unknown said...

I love picture three! That is really cute fabric. I think the fabric hoarding must be genetic! I've got a big stack too :)
The only things I know how to make are curtains and pillowcases. I'm hoping the curtains I made for our last house will fit in our new place because my sewing machine is on the fritz.

dfrank said...

I love my fabric! I go upstairs and just look at it. But it is nothing compared to how it used to be back in the day when I really did sew for me and all the kids. I even sewed shirts for Ron and they didn't have old cars on them and he wore them!!!! My fabric back then took up a whole closet. But I know how you feel, there is something special about beautiful fabric. Thanks for sharing the fabric you picked out the other day, I got two rice bags almost done from it. Love it!!

Tina said...

For some cute ideas go to modabakeshop.com they have some real neat things and give you all the instructions and every thing. I have made some fun things that I found on this web site.

Taylor said...

that last fabric that you showed would make a FANTASTIC headboard. Good luck on the projects to come..