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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Food Situation

My daughter is in that stage where she has to feed herself. Sometimes I trick her and I'll sneak something in but then she'll pull it out, show me and then put it back in herself! I also love that she can now have regular food all the time, I hated the baby food in the end! Peanut butter and jelly, macaroni and cheese, cheese and crackers...the possibilities are endless, or so I thought. I am constantly trying to rack my brain for new things to give her so she doesn't get sick of the same ol' thing! So I've been searching the internet for idea's to help out and its almost overwhelming! A lot of these I've tried only once but I think I need to keep switching it up!
Crackers, turkey and cheese
Grilled Cheese
Fruits and veggies
Mini corn dogs
Leftovers are great too! Are your kids messy eaters during eating time because mine is! So what do you guys feed your kids?


valerie said...

I loved it when the kids could eat regular food! I hated baby food too and mashed up regular food as soon as I knew they could stand it. I think I fed them the same things you've named. You forgot chicken nuggets! That was and still is a staple in this house! lol

Missty said...

I fed my kids everything we ate. No "kid friendly" meals here. And now they eat everything.
My kids went to 1st grade with a turkey,cheese, lettuce, tomatoe sandwich. THe teachers always laughed.

So if we were having tacos and spanish rice so were my toddlers.

a casserole, so were they. Chicken, baked potatoes and steamed broccoli so were the boys.