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Monday, January 18, 2010

Shopping your house

I've mentioned before that a great way to save a little money is to shop your own house (or your moms! ) for something that you have stuck away in a dark attic or basement and don't know what to do with, and re purpose it into something usable again. Meet my frame. (sorry about the blurry pic and the tape you can still see at the top).
This frame came to me by way of a Christmas present from my in laws several years ago. Love it! It's black (my favorite color!) so it goes well with my decor. At first it had pictures of the kids in it and then I changed them out to some really cute scrapbooking paper at Christmas time one year. Then it became part of the attic for some reason ( I think we were remodeling again.) and it never made it back out.
We inherited this nice TV armour from my parents awhile back and have been wondering how to decorate the top of it. Hubby wanted to put his speakers up there. For shame! Speakers on top when there is an opportunity to decorate? I think not! So then I started to shop the house. I found a few odds and ends to put up there but something was still off. I saw the picture frame but I wasn't sure I wanted to just put pictures in there. Then comes the aha moment. FABRIC! Fabric would look fabulous and it comes it so many different designs and colors that the possibility's are endless. I found a piece of left over fabric from some long ago project in chocolate brown and cream. I took off the back of the frame and wrapped my fabric tight around it and then slipped it back into the slots of the frame. I didn't even hot glue it or anything (which would totally work too if you didn't have a fitted frame) and then I just taped down the little tufts of fabric to the back so it would lay flat. It took longer to put the frame up then it did to put the fabric on. This could work for some many things, the ideas are endless!
So that is my little 15 minute project that anyone can do to spice up an area that needs spicing.


Unknown said...

I was thinking of doing something similar with fabric. Maybe stretching it over a canvas or something. I have this great mustard yellow fabric with red roosters on it that was supposed to go in the kitchen like three houses ago. If we buy the house I'd like to it would go great with the red kitchen!

Tina said...

That looks so cute. I love the bucket with the berries too. I need to rethink what I want on my table.