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Friday, January 15, 2010


I have been in the 'Spring Cleaning' type of mood lately or maybe is it that my husband keeps mentioning that our spare bedroom still needs to get put back together...Hmmm I'll go with the first one! We are transforming our third bedroom into a guest bedroom but there's so many little things that are standing in my way before I can do that. All the random items in your house you just don't know what to do with. So I'm taking my SIL Natalie's advice and if it doesn't have a place then I'm getting rid of it! That is my new philosophy and I think its just a great one and you know what? Its been working! In the past anytime I have cleaned I always have this little guilt angel on my shoulder. It says things like, oh you'll fix that up one day, you'll lose the weight to fit back into that outfit, oh that's new, I can't get rid of that. Too bad so sad for that darn angel because I'm not going to listen to it anymore! My new thinking is that I haven't done that project because I just don't want to and I shouldn't have to feel guilty about not fitting into an outfit that I used to wear pre-baby, my body has changed and I should be fine with that! So Idaho Youth Ranch and Goodwill...here I come bearing gifts that maybe someone will actually use! I'm also an extremely sentimental person and that is never good because I have a hard time getting rid of things. If you could just see my Grandma's house, well that would give anyone enough motivation to NOT be a pack rat! I am trying to simplify my house. I have too many hair products, too much make up and just too many random things that I need to get rid of. So here's to simplifying my house and getting rid of those items that I just don't need and who knows maybe someone else is looking for that exact thing that you just don't use anymore!

So...what about you??


Unknown said...

I agree but disagree...I guess because I have a huge basement to dump my crap into :) We have at least 10 bins (the biggest you can get at Target) full of kids' clothes, sentimental items from high school / mission and clothes for the kids to grow into and extra blankets...then I have all my decorations in bins..That is how I organize if it can go into bins then I feel so much better, it stacks better and looks more organized! Since we have moved into 4 different homes we have gotten rid of A LOT but some things we just can't get rid of! you could do shelves like Nat and Sarah have in their garage to help simplify that room :) Good luck!

Alycia said...

I have boxes full of Tyler's mission items, Christmas decorations, Ella's old clothes, etc. I wouldn't throw things like that away but that isn't the type of simplifying I was talking about. I'm talking about tons of bathroom products, old clothes and other things that you just don't use anymore.

Unknown said...

okay the old clothes thing is always a dream once you have a kid...although it took me til baby #3 to not fit into my clothes and now the hips are officially separated! I guess I put all our extra bathroom stuff in containers (once again) in the hall closet organized so it is easy to find them! Especially with couponing when I buy like 10 shampoos and 10 conditioners it is easy to put them all together! Maybe I don't have a lot I don't use but there is a container for misc.!! Good luck!

Unknown said...

I'm being forced into this one because we are moving again. Our basement is still full of boxes from moving in August! Hopefully I'll have time in the next 6 weeks to get through some of them so we don't drag all the excess to yet another place.