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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year!

Out with old and in with the new. That's what I've been feeling lately. I always feel a little let down I think after I have all my pretty Christmas things put away and not to be seen till next year. The house seems so naked without them but it also helps me get in the mood to declutter the place and shovel out some of those corners that you kind of pretend aren't really piling up as you walk by and trip on the shoes, books, and those lamps that you got for free this summer and still haven't done anything with. I want to rearrange furniture and freshen up the place. With the Christmas season done and a family vacation to Disneyland, the budget is pretty much kaput. Time to put the thinking cap on and get those creative juices flowing again. I guess it's also time to finish some of those projects that I put off and never got around to. I guess you could call that my New Years resolution. To finish what I start!

Speaking of resolutions, I had an idea to work on a Christmas craft or project once a month to beat the craziness that usually happens at Christmas time because I've procrastinated till the last minute and then I'm running around trying to finish it all. So hopefully I can find some fun gift ideas and hopefully that can help get my projects done in a more timely manner. I'm still working on that blanket from last summer!

As with a new look to the house, I hope that we can have a fresh start on our blog and ring in the new year with lot's of great tips and fun ideas along with our readers sharing their ideas as well. Happy New Year!


Unknown said...

I have thought about that too the whole get presents or make things along the way so it is not so crazy but you always find something new! I know I am that way but I do stock up the day after thanksgiving on deals so I am done birthday shopping for Jan. and Feb. for two of the kids!

Taylor said...

I am soooo in the mood to organize too... I have a great idea that I can post on here that I just tried... let me know when you want me to post. I think the christmas gift idea all through the year is GREAT... you gotta post it!!