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Monday, October 5, 2009

Where did Mommy go??

Right now I am on the last book of the Harry Potter series. Have always loved the movies but didn't know about the books until one day I just decided to go for it and I LOVE THEM! Well unfortunately for my family I've been a little MIA since reading them. I get so into them and I just disappear into a nice hot bath and then reappear an hour later. Usually its when my daughter is either taking a nap or is down for the night. That still leaves my husband and our dog Teddy and not to mention chores around the house. I hate to admit it but until I am done with this book I don't think things will be much better. So that leaves me asking you this, how are you when you get into a good book? Do you shut yourself out of the world or are you able to juggle it with everything else? I think the next book or series I get into I may have to be better about that. What book are you reading at the moment??


valerie said...

I LOVE me a hot bath and a good ole romance novel! Sometimes the kids will send me notes under the door when I've been in there so long! I'm really good at ignoring the stack of dishes in the sink too when I am in the middle of a good book.

Anonymous said...

The HP series is great. I read them over and over. I started when number 5 came out and really enjoyed them (and the movies too). When I get into a book I end up staying up half the night reading. When it's that good I just throw down some cheese, crackers and fruit and let them have at while I read ;)

I'm currently reading number 7 in the Outlander series from Diana Gabaldon, An Echo In The Bone. It's a great series about a woman who travels back in time to 1770's Scotland - by accident! I'm also reading Third Culture Kids a book about kids (like mine) who grow up in a culture that isn't thier passport culture.

Anonymous said...

i LOVE to read...but haven't read a book since i was pregnant with adisen (over 2 years ago)! but when i get into a good book i read it until it's finished...no matter how long it takes. and with 2 little ones i know that i will be unable to do that so i don't even tempt myself to start reading! my friend is reading the 3rd book in the twilight series and she had to cancel our playdate the other day b/c she couldn't put her book down. she too said nothing was getting down around the house until she finished and that her kids were feeding her! i found it comical b/c i would be the same way! the last book i read was marley and me (i know that's so yesterday) and some nicholas sparks books (love them)!!! i hope you enjoy your book! make sure you use lotion on those wrinkley fingers and toes...happy soaking!

Taylor said...

My oldest son is WAY to crazy for me to dissapear. He get's into things way to much. However when my kids go down to sleep at the end of the day I READ READ READ. I sometimes stay up until 12 or 1 in the morning. I am reading the Hunger games novel. There are 3 to the series and the last novel will be out soon. It is a GREAT easy read and I can't put it down.

Alycia said...

Thanks Andrea! I'll have to check those books out next!!