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Monday, October 26, 2009

How do you do Halloween?

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays! The costumes, the cookies, the candy, the scary films on tv! I love all of it! This year will be my daughter's first Halloween and I'm super excited to dress her up! I think we'll just take her down a few streets in our neighborhood for some good ol' trick or treating. Nothing too big since she's only 9 months. (I'll be sure to thank her for the candy when she's older). I know Val blogged about costumes and making sure that the kiddos are warm while out trick or treating but maybe this year you won't be going outside. I've noticed in the past few years that there aren't as many kids going trick or treating. People having parties, churches or other organizations having trunk or treating or holding parties, people going out to dinner or maybe you'll just be staying in. Staying cozy in your own home while handing out candy. Anyway you do it, we want to know! How do you do HALLOWEEN?


valerie said...

Every year I try and buy the kids off by bribing them with a bag of candy and a few bucks. It never works. :) They always want to get dressed up and go out.

Anonymous said...

We will take the girls to a few houses that we know real well before trick-or-treating begins. Then we go down a small stretch in kellogg with friends to give the girls the door-to-door experience. Then we head off to play games at Pinehurst school. I can't wait!!!

Taylor said...

This is my first year going too! Mikey was 11 months old and we couldve gone last year but I had a newborn and I was in NO MOOD to leave the house. I will probably eat MOST of the candy too! We will do trunk or treat and then go to a few of our neighbors close by.