It's almost Halloween, do you have your costume yet? I must admit I don't really like Halloween for this very reason! Getting the kids to figure out what they want to be and then trying to find a costume is totally stressful to me! My rule is that their costume has to come from home. I will buy something to complete the outfit but I won't spend 40 dollars on a plastic costume that no one will see anyway because it will be covered up by a winter coat and hat and gloves because living in N. Idaho pretty much means it will most likely be 30 degrees, if not colder on Halloween night. It's even snowed on us before. I love it when people think outside the box and get really creative with their costumes. Not that there is anything wrong with say the cheerleader, which my daughter wants to be again this year (hey no need to buy a new costume, works for me!) or being the scream man, which totally creeps me out but there seem to be a lot out there. Check out these cute and creative costumes that I found on They are sooo cute! I love them. Family fun always has such great ideas.

I think the gnome little guy is my favorite. He's so cute.
So I think on Halloween I'll cuddle up with a cup of hot cider and watch The Great pumkin Charlie Brown (my fav!) and have a snickers or two and see what comes up my driveway this year.
*I thought it would be fun to have a little costume contest so send us some pictures of your kids and their costumes that you wouldnt' mind sharing on the blog, and we'll send a little something to the winner! Can't wait to see what you all come up with! Just send pics to
I WONT buy brand new costumes. I usually try to do homemade but this year on Craigslist I found a cute PLUSH lion costume for my 2 year old for only 10 bucks. It is nicely made too!
Someone has got to come up with a baloon boy costume.
Cute! I love the gnome idea. I admit to buying costumes this year. Since Germany doesn't celebrate Halloween and the school didn't have it's usually halloween party last year we needed costumes! The kids and I are going as Doctors. I just bought some scrubs - but they can double as super comfy pj's later :) Plus we can layer under them to stay warm for trick or treating.
I had thought the kids going as Luke Skywalker and Chick as Yoda would be cute bit Thor nixed the idea early on.
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