First off I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Taylor. I was introduced to Alycia by her sister in law Sarah. I was a little nervous to post on this blog because it's a pretty cool blog and I didn't want to taint it or anything!
Let me begin by telling you that I am new to throwing party's and it isn't a piece of cake! (ha ha no pun intended) I started making the cake at 8 in the morning. I didn't finish until 4:30 that evening. I just wanted my kitchen back and a break by then. However, I had fun making the cake and will be baking yet again next month for my oldest son's birthday. The body of the Caterpillar was made out of 24 cupcakes frosted with green frosting and the head was from a round 9 inch pan frosted in red. I also used the rest of the green frosting for the middle of the round cake and for finishing touches to the face and legs. Carter got his own red strawberry cupcake. I placed his book on display by the cake with the invitation. I had this whole idea planned to help the kids at the party make caterpillar party hats, I was way too exhausted and out of time by the end of the day. If I would have made hats they would have been out of long strips of construction paper measured for their head and glue circle cut-outs of the caterpillar's body then they could draw a face and use pipe cleaner for the antennae. Maybe next time......

So... what to write about? I could have chose ANYTHING from the weather lack of creative inspiration. It just so happened that I was asked to post the week of my son's Birthday. So I thought, "HEY I should write about my boys birthday party." Since my life is lived vicariously through my kids. Here goes nothing!
Carter is my youngest son and it was his 1st birthday this year! I sent out invites to friends and family about a week before. I was able to find apple cutouts and fuzzy balls for the caterpillar at the Dollar Store for my invites. I first stamped, WHO: WHAT: WHERE: & WHEN on the cutout. I filled out the invitation with clever little sayings that matched my son's name and went along with the book theme. like: PLACE: I wrote CARTERS COCOON. I then glued the fuzz balls at the bottom and made little eyes out of beads to make it look more like a caterpillar then I drew a hole in the apple with a permanent marker. You could also use a hole punch to make it look more like the book. Now that the invitations were sent I had to prepare for the party.
Had to add this picture at the end. If this was the only pic I showed you, you would have thought it was a clown party!
Sorry this is such a long post. Now lets here from you! What are some exciting birthday parties or themes that you have done in the past or would like to do in the future?