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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

No time to read

Yesterday I got in the mail the November issue of Country Living. Have you read it? It's really great, and they have a lot of good ideas that aren't over the top or cost you and arm and leg. I love to read magazines and this is one of my favorites! I actually did a little dance when it arrived I was so excited. Don't worry I was in the house. Wouldn't want the neighbors to think I was weird or anything! Another favorite of mine is Real Simple. Lot's of great ideas and simple meals that don't look like feathers and unpronounceable things and that your kids might actually eat! I sat down with my magazine yesterday all excited to read, had my hot cocoa and my warming bag (rice bag) who my daughter affectionately named Bubba, and was all set. No kids in the house, nice and quiet! Two pages in and someone called. It took awhile but I finally got off the phone and settled in again. Then hubby came home to paint the living room ceiling. I could have done it, but I was ignoring it and hoping that it would get painted by itself. See? It worked! ;) Sigh. After that the day went down hill. A dentist appt. for the oldest kid, then pick up the others from school, then a haircut, then football practice, then enrichment night and by the time I got home, time for bed. I saw it calling me this morning saying "Read me. Read me" Sorry magazine, I have another busy day today. Maybe we can meet up for a date in the bathroom later in a nice tub of hot water. Just you, me, and the chocolate I have secretly stashed under the bathroom sink.

So what magazine's do you read?

P.S. Don't forget about your giveaway and leave us a comment. Those scarves sure could come in handy if you live in the cold states!

1 comment:

Jackson Family said...

Sorry, I don't read anything but Dr. Seuss books anymore. Let's just say my little "spirited" 2 year old gives me NO second to myself.