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Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Those of you with kids can relate to this I'm sure. Getting them to do their chores has been a chore in itself. They do the chores for a little while and then....they fall off the wagon. Or I fall off the wagon remembering to remind the younger ones about their chores or hubby just does it himself. That's a whole other post! lol Anyway I was trying to think of a way to spice up the chore thing a little bit and thought it would be fun if I tried this. I thought I would write out all the chores that I want the kids to do. They are 11, 9 and soon to be 8 and I think they should be to handle all of these. You know chores like, dusting, bathrooms ( I may break this up a little so they are not having to clean the whole thing), garbage, dishes, you know the normal chore list. Ok my thought is to have all the chores written out on a card and put on the fridge. No certain order just all over. Then my thought would be the kids can pick say 3 chores, whatever they want, first come first serve, to do. They dont' have to do them all at once but I'm thinking of it more like a game, get the good ones first! Once they've done their 3 chores then they put the cards in a little pocket I'll make and then they are done. We've done the sticker thing and rotating chores but maybe this will make it a little more fun, cause who wants to do boring ole chores anyway? We'll also do an allowance to go with the chores because I think it's important for them to learn about money and how to save and good ways to spend. Nothing outrageous but enough for them. So how do you manage chores in your house?

1 comment:

Taylor said...

I WISH my kids were old enough to help out with chores. My sister in law just rotates chores. If her oldest son did the dishes the night before than it's the next one's turn and the oldest clears off the table. It seems to work for their family but they are VERY good kids and seem to help out fairly well. Your way of doing it sounds like it would work well too! I just thought of another suggestion. I think once a week they could take turns with get out of chores for free card. Good luck!