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Monday, October 19, 2009

Kitchen remodels bring out the best in everyone

Have you ever remodeled anything in your house? It seems to disrupt life in all directions, no matter how small. We have added onto our house several times and none of those have caused as much disruption as our kitchen remodel. I realize that it is a much bigger scale than the others and there is more involved but the craziness that has gone on is...well...CRAZY! All of our things from the cupboards were moved to the kitchen table which is now sitting in my family room. Let me tell you how fun it is to go looking through boxes and stacks for stuff.

Two weeks ago we finally got our cabinets in and I started putting things away and I'm still looking for that cheese grater that I was looking for last month! Last night hubby finally just went and bought another one so you know that the old one will be turning up any minute. I do have to say we have been pretty lucky being able to use our stove and have had only a day or two without having water and our sink. I have been spoiled though by having a dishwasher and having to do dishes by hand is just no fun at all. There maaay have been a few times that I ignored the dishes in the sink and instead grabbed me a diet pepsi and some chocolate and buried myself in a book.

So now we are down to waiting on counters and flooring and I can't say enough how happy I will be to finally have this remodel done. There have been some very crabby people around here lately, me included and I'm ready to have my house back! And to decorate. :) So do you have any fun remodeling stories to share?

Thanks for stopping by the blog today and don't forget to leave us some comments. We love hearing from you and keep checking back, we are getting ready for another give away soon!


Alycia said...

We haven't had to remodel yet but I can't even imagine! I would be so stressed out and I probably would be in the worst mood ever! :)

Taylor said...

So,my husband is a HUUUUUGE procrasrinator! We did a MINI kitchen remodel 2 years ago and he JUST put down our trim in the kitchen. I really want to ask him for a second pantry but I have a feeling that things would get done A lot faster if I just went on to craigslist and got a free-standing pantry. At least I know it would get done. I love my husband and he is AWESOME about helping other people but it seems like our house get's a tad bit neglected. Good luck with your remodel! It WILL be worth it in the end, just keep telling yourself that. Oh, and make sure that all the "little things" don't get pushed to the side. The "little things" not getting done bugs me just as much as the big thins :)

Dannielle said...

you should post some photos of your remodel... maybe some before and afters :)