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Thursday, September 3, 2009

How do you Date Night?

Do you do date night? Once a week, month...year? If you do it once a week then you will have something to look forward to once the week comes to an end! Are you always doing the same thing? Dinner and a movie? Take out? Well try switching it up and see what you think. Go online and find a listing of events that are going on in your area and take advantage of them. Depending on where you live I'm positive you'll be able to find some fun things that you and your honey will enjoy. Now I'm not saying you have to go out of your comfort zone and do something wacky and wild. Maybe instead of just going out for dinner you can get all dressed up. Maybe that will be just enough of a change and something you haven't done in a long time! Pinching your pennies in this economy? It actually might be a good thing and help us to be creative with our dates! Drop the kids off at friends house and come back and have the house to yourself. Who doesn't like McDonalds and a good movie (in whatever you want to wear) in your own home with just you and your hubby without having to be interupted. Get your honey involved in the date planning too. You never know what he could come up with that would be fun. Remember those first feelings you had for the person you are now with? What did you do for fun then? Go rollerskating? Night swimming? Or maybe just a walk? Whatever it was, bring it back and have some fun! Its still so nice out at night so take advantage of the weather before it gets cold! So what are some fun dates that you have been on?


Taylor said...

Date night? What's that? Oh you want me to try something new? How about for starters my hubby and I actually go out at all?? If you have any tips that will force my husband to like me and enjoy going out on a date with me again, Im all ears...... night swimming sounds like A lot of fun. I would like to maybe go to the coast for the weekend too!

Alycia said...

Just duck tape his mouth...okay okay maybe not. Personalize the date to something that he really likes to do! Once he's out, I'm sure you guys will have fun and maybe it'll motivate him to get out with just you more often.

Missty said...

Valerie knows me - we go out! And we do a ton of different things. We go out every weekend, usually Friday night and Saturday night. Anything and everything - movies, dinner or lunch out, go play pool, go to the beach, walk around the mall, get and ice cream, dirt bike ride, play the Wii, go to a hockey game.

Unknown said...

Date night...I remember that once upon a time! Right now since my husband still lives in Germany we do a date every 5-6 weeks when he comes to visit. This week (since he's here) we went out to dinner at Cheeseburger in Paradise - that fun Jimmy Buffet place. Almost anyway, the 3 year old refused to stay with her aunt so we had to bring her along.

Mostly we do dinner and for Christmas or my birthday I make my husband take me to the movies (The only time he will go!). I guess we are boring. We just go out to dinner!

Taylor said...

its kinda funny that you posted this a couple days ago and youll never believe what happened... Mike called me on his way home for work and said he wanted to take me out for dinner and a movie and to top it off he already arranged a sitter..... UNBELIEVABLE! Had a great time and went out to Applebees!

Alycia said...

That's awesome! Points for Mike!!! Guess its your turn next time!

Jennifer Duce said...

We find it really hard to fit date night in. Eric works nights so he is gone all the time. When he's home on Weekends we usually have family time because the kids never see him during the week. He goes to work right before they get home from school and comes home after they are in bed. It makes it hard. Also when you have five kids it is hard to find a sitter. Not many people will take five kids without blinking an eye!