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Friday, September 25, 2009

"Receiving" BIBS

From time to time we thought it would be great fun
to have a guest poster. Our first one is the very lovely, and
fellow Idaho spud....Tiffany! She's mom to, two cute little girls. She's
got a lot of great, creative ideas, and we can't wait to hear all about them.

Are you tired of those teeny tiny bibs that you buy in the stores,

that catch almost NONE of the food that falls from your child's mouth!

Then I have the perfect solution for you!

I introduce the "receiving" bib!

These bibs are wonderful because they are made from used (or new) receiving blankets! Each bib is sown double-sided either with the same pattern or something different to give your kids a choice! There's no right or wrong way to making them, and the best part of it is that one size fits ALL! My 2 year old is really good at taking the bottom end of the bib and wiping her mouth off when she's done eating! I have also caught her wiping up her spilled messes with the bottom end! I can usually get a few days out of each bib before washing them. If you don't have a bunch of receiving blankets lying around then a good place to pick them up at is on K-Mart or Wal-Mart's clearance racks. I just bought about 15 more at a yard sale this summer for under $2.00!!! If you choose to you could also buy this kind of fabric by the yard at a fabric store.

A dear friend of mine made me these bibs and I have been making them ever since! If you don't have any young children, then keep this idea in mind for the next baby shower you attend!

If anyone needs the directions to make these handy bibs can leave their email address in the comment section and I will send you them.


Alycia said...

Great job Tiff!!! Will you send me the directions please? You have my e-mail :) I love them!

Taylor said...

I like these! I want to learn how to sew. Maybe I could do this for my first sewing project. I have a sewing machine and everything.. I just haven't got around to making them.

valerie said...

What I like about them is you can use your old recieving blankets if they are still in decent shape. I have totally been on a repurpose kick lately. Great idea Tiffany!

dfrank said...

I love the idea, I'm glad you are posting with the girls. I'd love the pattern also. Come over sometime and I'll give you a cute pattern to make receiving blankets. I never did get one to Reise!!

Anonymous said...

thanks girls--and alycia i will send you and your mom the pattern. it's pretty easy and instead of snaps at the top you could attach a small piece of velcro on each end.