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Friday, September 11, 2009

Quick dinner tip

I was reading over at my friends Kitchen blog In My Kitchen about some quick dinner ideas. I so need these, this time of year. My son has football practice every night from 5-7. Too early to eat before, but by the time I get him home it's almost 7:30 and the rest of my family have been killed off by starvation. What to do? Serve them Top Ramen? While this would probably work with my 9 year old, there is not much nutritional value. One thing that I have found that helps us out is making extra of a meal that I happen to be cooking one night and then putting it in the freezer. Let's say your making tacos. Make an extra few servings of the meat all seasoned and ready and put in the feezer for that night when you need something really quick. Missty from In my Kitchen also mentions Lasagna. OH YUM! Love it. Make an extra batch. Initially it's a little more work, but, on that one night when you and the family are tuckered out, you can pop this into the oven (even hubby can do this!-I put a little notecard with the oven time and how long to cook) and it's one less thing you need to think about. Throw together a salad and some french bread, and you have a meal. :-)

Happy Cooking!


Anonymous said...

I have the opposite problem, I need meals that are quick but will only serve two and half people or just one person. Let's be honest my kids are picky!

Since Cycling Papa is still living in Germany I find myself making something for the kids and then I just pick at whatever all night. The kids won't eat lasagna (wah!) and it's too much to make just for me, I'd be eating it for weeks! So I fall into the expensive frozen dinner rut or Pasta Roni Boxes on the nights the kids have chicken nuggets (which I don't eat).

dfrank said...

Love this idea. I'll figure out how to be a follower!! Love you both, I'll be checking this out regularly.

valerie said...

Andrea-Again, initially it might be some work but...you could make that lasagna and then make several serving out of it, like just enough for you then you could pop it in when the kids are noshing on nuggets. I Know what you mean though. The kids will eat it if they have to but, I still have plenty of leftovers for the next few days.

Missty said...

Hey thanks for the linky love. Great idea! Andrea, you could make one pan of lasagna and cut it up into 8 or so freezer containers. And you have several meals. Do it for chili, or your favorite soups, casseroles, anything. I need to start doing the freezing thing more. Not really worth it when we pretty much had 6 adults eating here all the time. 2 Parents and 4 teens or young adults. Nothing ever lasted. lol But now two gone, and two many times not around.

Anonymous said...

my mother always did this growing up b/c with 5 of us kids we were always on the run to some sort of sports. i love the idea of making a whole week's worth of meals in one day--but haven't motivated myself to do it yet. i think you might have inspired me to try doing it again! thanks!

Unknown said...

Hey This is Ryan, yes a dude posting, but hey I'm family. When I was training for my Triathlon, Carrie found these TV Dinners on sale and they were under a buck each. I'm not a big leftover fan, but am improving. Carrie makes a unique garlic flavored chicken and rice dish. She wants to take a mini cooking class that teaches the basics about soups. That's something that would be good if we could eat more of here! Just have to convince the kiddos + soup could be less expensive, right?

Jennifer Duce said...

When I'm on the run I love my crock pot. I can throw it in there in the morning and cook it on low all day or if I have my scouts I will put it in before I leave so I don't have to worry about rushing home to get dinner on. I find that having a menu helps with all of this too. If you have it all planned out you can thaw and do prep the day before instead of trying to figure out what to do when you are all starving. If I don't have a plan I find it too easy to call for pizza or something not healthy.