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Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday Makeover!

Hey it's monday again and that means it's time for a makeover! This summer when I was working at hubby's office it was kind of slow so I was blog stalking- I mean, looking at blogs and I came across this really cool idea. However for the life of me I cannot remember where I saw this idea at so if you've seen it, let me know and I'll give it the linky love it deserves.
Ok now for the idea! Some of you may have seen this on my life blog may be thinking, DEJA VU, but your not going crazy! I really did show you this one, but I wanted to share it on the Spud blog as well. Ok, I know your thinking, just get on with it already. Ok. Ok. The idea I saw was to take an old cast off cupboard door and turn it into a serving tray. BRILLIANT! I love this idea so much!
First you find your door. I went to the Habitat for Humanity store. TONS of things to turn into treasures there. For this project I found some square doors. LOVE EM! After you've found the door of your dreams, you sand it down. You don't have to get tennis elbow or anything, just a light sand so that the paint will stick. Next is painting it. I almost think this is the hardest part! Not the actual painting, but what COLOR to paint it! I think I painted this three different times before I finally settled on a color. Don't kill me. I didn't actually take pictures of the painting part. I promise to be better at picture taking in future projects! Ok, are you ready for the end result?


After I painted it, I gave it a little sanding on the edges to give is a little roughed up look. I also stamped on some flowers. I tried free drawing them on but yeah, that was a disaster! lol. After your done painting, seal it with a clear protective finish. I used a Polycrylic finish. Seal it a few times to make sure that everything gets a good coat. Make sure you let it dry over night. Ok, I confess, I was too impatient so I only waited a few hours and then I added the handles. I picked these up at Lowes but you could pick these up anywhere or use your imagination! I think there are many things that could work here.

This next one I used scrapbook paper and the sealed it with the clear sealer but after awhile it turned the paper a bit yellow so I need to look into that, and see what else you could use. Maybe modge podge first, several coats and then the sealer. Anyway I still like how it turned out so I made it more into a frame.

So there it is, my Monday Makeover project. This would make a great Christmas gift too! come on people- There's only 95 day's till Christmas! ;) Hope every one has a great day and if you have any fun project ideas let us know! We'd love to show case them. :)


Taylor said...

TOO CUTE!! I really like this idea. Do you have a total that you paid for these at all?

Alycia said...

I love it!!! So how long did it take you to finish it? Looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

That is really cool! I definelty want to try that now. Where's the Habitat for Humanity store? My wheels are turning for x-mas ideas--thanks!!!

Unknown said...

That is really cute! I love it! I was wondering what it was at first because i was just looking at pictures but way cute!!