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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

10 Favorite things about Christmas

10. Christmas lights all twinkly and bright

9. Hot cocoa and marshmellows

8. Finding the perfect gift for someone you love

7. Watching the movie Christmas Vacation over and over and over

6. The kids version of Frosty the snowman in the front yard

5. Warming your toes by the crackling fire

4. Fresh baked sugar cookies

3. Christmas jammies

2. Playing games with the family and laughin till tears come out

1. Christmas Vacation!

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone has a fantastic Holiday season!


Alycia said...

Watching A Christmas Story over and over and over!

Taylor said...

I LOVE all of these and I would like to add my new favorite movie that I HAVE to watch.... The Polar Express... I had the book when I was little so this movie is special to me. I would also like to add: Christmas is celebrated the WHOLE month of December, there isn't another holiday through the year that puts us in a good mood for a whole month