Its already the 1st of November? Is anyone else is disbelief that we are nearing the end of the year already?? Once Halloween is over it seems like I just can't catch a breath until after the New Year. In 3 weeks we have Thanksgiving and then shortly after that we have Christmas. Sounds easy but November and December are such busy months! We usually travel back home to be with our families for both of these holidays which means a lot of driving, packing and stress to make sure we have everything in order before we go out of town. The question can we slow down and enjoy this time of year? We need to remember the reasons why we celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving and enjoy the time we spend with our families. This season my plan is to take care of all those little things that need to get done early and try to slow down and have some fun the next couple of months! Christmas is my favorite holiday and this year its my daughter's first Christmas as well. I'm excited and plan on enjoying every minute of it! So what are your plans???
I couldn't resist putting this photo up. Cutest little pumpkin!

1 comment:
the holidays will be EXTREMELY difficult for us this year. We have both sides of our family living in the same town. This is really a blessing more than a curse but it is soo hard during the holiday season because we have to choose where to go and wherever we decide it usually isn't long enough and sometimes feelings are hurt that we didn't choose to go to the other families house. One year I even decided to do Christmas dinner at my house and told everyone we were staying home but people were welcome to come over. We just had my husbands older brother and his family move from CA so it will be even tougher dividing our time. We need to just enjoy them and do the best we can I guess.
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