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Monday, November 30, 2009

A Christmas Cookie Swap

Mmmm sounds good already! Every year I am always trying to think of something new to do for my friends. Something I want to make fun yet personal, thoughtful yet festive. Well...what about a cookie swap? You throw a party at your house and everyone brings a plate of a dozen cookies. At the end of the night you go home with a plate of cookies that are different from the ones you brought. Christmas these days can get really spendy so what a fun way to do something that won't break the bank and that everyone can enjoy! Besides...who doesn't like cookies?
Above are some pictures I found of some Holiday cookies. You can make them as festive as you want! Another great idea for your kids to join in and help!
This month we'll be having great Christmas idea's and some give aways as well! Check back often, leave us comments and maybe you will win some great stuff!


For FRANKS Sake said...

Yummy! That is what we are doing with my Young women this year or I should say again. We had one last year and they can make the best cookies!

Taylor said...

Ive heard of people doing this and it turning out succesful. Maybe I will suggest one of my friends doing this at their house ;) I hate hosting parties!!!!

Missty said...

I hosted a cookie swap for about 8-10 years straight! Very fun!!

Alycia said...

Taylor now is the time to start your own party! You can totally do it and you know that EVERYBODY loves cookies :)